5 Life Lessons
It seems that more and more these days people ask, or expect, us 20 somethings to know exactly what is happening to our lives. Unfortunately I also think that more and more us 20 somethings know less about what's happening in our lives. I think that's okay, as long as we are learning things along the way.
So here are my 5 Life Lessons from a 20 something year old:
1. Finances
Figuring out your finances can be incredibly hard, you are not alone there. The first half of us are on our own for the very first time and need to keep track of our finances ourselves in the midst of parental freedom. The other half of us are finishing school and going into the working world with a heavy load of student debt on our backs. Neither of these situations are entirely helpful for figuring out finances but can seriously help create and solidify good habits for the future.
So here are my 5 Life Lessons from a 20 something year old:
1. Finances
Figuring out your finances can be incredibly hard, you are not alone there. The first half of us are on our own for the very first time and need to keep track of our finances ourselves in the midst of parental freedom. The other half of us are finishing school and going into the working world with a heavy load of student debt on our backs. Neither of these situations are entirely helpful for figuring out finances but can seriously help create and solidify good habits for the future.
- I have learned, through my experiences, that setting up real budgets that you actually want to stick to is helpful and important in the learning process. Using a phone app like Mint can help you get started in this area and keep track of where you are spending money and know if you are going over budget.
- I have also learned that having debt is okay and should not ruin your life. But taking real and active steps to work to pay it off is crucial, but away a designated sum every month to work towards it. Don't worry, I know this may be a long process and cause stresses at some points but it is so satisfying to watch the debt slowly disappear as you pay it off little by little.
2. Friends
The friends you have in your 20s can also be under constant change as your high school friends may drift a part by going to different schools or life paths and after university some friends stick around for life and some drift into different career paths. This change can be really tough and I am currently experiencing a bit of both of these worlds.
- I have learned that it's okay to let friends go, I am terrible at it but it's okay to do.
- I have also learned that it's important to still have friends and make deep connections with people that love and support you no matter where you are in life.
- I learned that it is also important to have one or two friends that are willing to stick by you for more than just one stage of life, they may not be there forever but love you enough to stay invested in who you are as a person for more than just 4 years. These kind of friendships help transitions of other friends much easier and always leaves you with someone to turn to through life's ups and downs.
3. Love
Someone's love life can be a really complicated thing to figure out and I know that it will look different for every person. However, the biggest things that I have learned about love is that its okay to have standards and in fact I would encourage everyone to have standards and set them high.
Someone's love life can be a really complicated thing to figure out and I know that it will look different for every person. However, the biggest things that I have learned about love is that its okay to have standards and in fact I would encourage everyone to have standards and set them high.
- Waiting to enter into relationships that are going to be meaningful and build you up as a person are actually incredibly rewarding and well worth the wait. Not everyone will agree with me and may want the exact opposite of this in their lives right now but I am speaking from my own experience of learning and I think that being with someone who knows and loves you so well that would selflessly put your needs above their own (and visa versa) is amazing.
- I have also learned that there should be no judgment on how long it takes a person to find that kind of relationship. We have to stop defining people by whether or not they are in a relationship (here I am speaking specifically to those family gatherings where that is the first question you get asked) and celebrate with one another for where they are at that moment. If they are single then love and support that or in a relationship then let's love and support that. Just because you may be surrounded by people in relationships, or perhaps your the only one in a serious relationship out of your circle of friends, then either way there shouldn't be this pressure to be like the rest.
4. Careers
"So what are you doing after school?" "How's the job hunt going?"
These good 'ol questions that so many of us get asked drive me crazy. I still have no idea where my career path will take me and I think that's okay.
"So what are you doing after school?" "How's the job hunt going?"
These good 'ol questions that so many of us get asked drive me crazy. I still have no idea where my career path will take me and I think that's okay.
- I have learned that it's okay to not have your career path or jobs all figured out but that it is important to be taking real steps towards figuring it out. I may not have my career job in place but I know that I want to be doing all that I can to work towards that and finding a job that fulfills my goals and dreams for a job.
- I also know that this doesn't mean that I don't work in the meantime or commit to a job that I've taken. I have learned that it is important to be committed to whatever job I have and not just quit jobs willy nilly just because I don't like the work or it doesn't feel like "I'm making a difference" as not all jobs will fulfill these criteria but provide an income and good learning curves in the meantime.
5. Health and Fitness
As your teen metabolism slows down and we all eat more food (at least I do) I have come to love and realize the importance of taking care of my body with regular fitness.
- I have learned that caring for your body by eating healthy and working out regularly is so beneficial to mental and physical health. Finding a meal plan and fitness regime that makes you feel good is also a huge part of this as it has to be something tailored to each individuals needs and desires. One fitness company (that actually doesn't require any money) is called Fitness Blenders: https://www.fitnessblender.com, they do free online workout videos that have seriously helped me find a workout routine that I love and is easy to do.
- I have learned that everything has to be done in moderation as well. It is okay to have "cheat meals" or "cheat days" where you indulge in food not deemed quite as healthy or miss a day of working out because your routine should be something that you don't feel dragged down to do but is something that fits your life.
So there you have it my five life lessons that I have learned through life so far. I fully expect to keep learning and growing and having my goals change as I continue to venture through life. I hope you may have learned something here too or even leave here knowing that you are not alone in your struggles and challenges that life throws at us.
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